With thanks to Jenny Mendes for ceramic inspiration.
What should you do when you have made a mess of your studio and can't work in it?
Well clearly you should tidy it up and get on with making work.
What do you do? You clear a little corner where you can work on your computer and you decide to begin writing a novel and messing with Photoshop.
In spite of the cost of living, it's still popular.
Kathleen Norris
Now that I'm here, 40 doesn't seem that bad. Glad I've got it over with though.
My little plummet to the bottom of the well is over and I'm back on form. Of course going to Paris last weekend didn't hurt. Neither does the beginning of Spring.
I've been taking lots of pictures.
Of my kids...
(How amazing is this Italian ice cream cone, we bought in Paris?!)
And of Spring's arrival at Leeds Castle in Kent.
I feel restored and inspired and dying to paint!
Today's Inspiration: Orton imagery for my photographs. It makes them look so dreamy I can hardly stop.
Likes: Paris. The French have every right to be arrogant.
Dislikes: Unseasonably cold weather. We're ready for the good stuff now aren't we?
I posted a tutorial album of how to make photoshop paintbrushes like the ones used in this picture of my daughter.
That's all I'm capable of right now. I'm feeling very anxious about my work. I don't even know why exactly. So I'm trying to work it out.
I will return to regular posting when I have sorted myself out.
What's white and can't climb trees?
A fridge.
Graham Norton
Still playing with those photoshop brushes and still making bags.
I love the fabrics in this bag.
My daughter chose them. I asked her what colour bag she would like and she said yellow. I would never think of starting with a yellow colourway for a project.
I got out my yellow fabrics and she selected about 5 of her favourites, with the one at the top band of the bag being her absolute fave. I then put them together this way. It was fun because we came up with a completely different palette than I normally would. And I really like it. I think I want a yellow bag next.
I'm still overdosing on the photoshop brushes. But I'm beginning to figure out how I want to use them. I will get better.
Would it be useful if I had a little gallery explaining how and what I use photoshop for? I get some questions regarding this but I feel too novice for the experts and think it might be too confusing for people who have not photoshop experience.
Today's Inspiration: Suburbia website with some nice free brushes, (some that I have used in photo above).
Likes: yellow silk
Dislikes: Taking time away from my many interesting projects to get housework done.
Don't you hate when your hand falls asleep and you know it will be up all night.
Steven Wright
Yeah, in my case it'll probably be up all night sewing!
I've got too many projects on the go right now! But I can't choose so they all get a little attention.
As soon as my son gets home from school he'll want me to help him with all his projects: building an army, making terrain, embroidering pillows, writing and drawing comic books. He has my curse.
I've finally figured out how to make and use brushes in Photoshop. I never realized they could be designed as stamps. I always wondered why you would want to paint with a butterfly shape. Silly me.
Lots of bags. I'll write and post more about them later in the week.
Today's Inspiration: Photoshop brushes. I know I've probably gone a little overboard but I'll calm down once the initial excitement has faded.
Likes: Leonard Cohen's song, Hallelujah. Who ever sings this, it is always beautiful!
Dislikes: I can't say rain again, can I?
If you are what you eat, I must have a couple of fat bastards in me.
Lead Balloon
Goodness, these are coming out of me fast and furious.
I hope I have enough friends at Christmas to give all these purse thingies good
With Photoshop I can turn that last photo into stripes by following the tutorial at Happy Things .
Gosh, I'm good at wasting time!
I like these felt dolls.
Found at The HeatherLouise Factory .
Speaking of felt, check out Myriad Natural Toys for a beautiful selection of 100% wool felt. Including this selection of plant dyed colours.
I had a lot of trouble finding 100% wool. Thanks to the amazing Lyn for the help.
Today's Inspiration: Anna Maria Horner , she's a good blog writer!
Likes: Stripes, not quite as much as polka dots, but not far behind.
Dislikes: Broken toilet seats
WITCH, n. (1) Any ugly and repulsive old woman, in a wicked league with the devil.
(2) A beautiful and attractive young woman, in wickedness a league beyond the devil.
Ambrose Bierce
I'm sorry, I feel incredibly naughty boring you all with pictures of the same subject but it's what I'm working on at the moment so blog off if it doesn't interest you. (I mean that in the nicest possible way, of course.)
I really hurried the Photoshop version of my doll on Halloween to meet the deadline of the Orange and Black. (The gallery at Orange and Black is amazing, if a little slow to load.)
I wasn't completely happy with my Photoshop results. I haven't used it in a few weeks and it's surprising how quickly you forget every trick you've learned!
Also, Halloween is completely crazy for me. I feel big pressure every year to show the Brits how it's done. I organized a scavenger hunt and party for about 40 children. I was half crazed on Tuesday.
So there are my excuses. Here's what I've done today with the photos I took of my doll.
Simpler, but closer to what I want to achieve.
Maybe a should have done a sepia tint of that last one.
Please give me feedback. I've had a inexplicable spike in viewing numbers but not in comments. I love you lurkers, but maybe you could let me know where you're all coming from. (Spooky!)
Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people once a year.
Victor Borge
Okay, it's not early Christmas but let's pretend for a moment before we move on to grumpier issues.
(A Christmas tree made by Marilyn in my Christmas workshop at the Battery, played with in Photoshop.)
Now I'm grumpy because My dearly beloved Lyle Lovett has canceled his UK tour again!
Lyle I love you but you make me crazy!
Scary monkey update: he's looking less scary, but has now developed a brain tumour. Pray for the monkey!
A whim of iron
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